Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holiday Film Trivia!!

Get your thinking caps out and see how many of these you can get right!!
Comment me with your answers and I'll let you know how well you did!!!

On the T.V. special “Frosty the Snowman” what were Frosty’s first words?
1. “I’m cold”
2. “Happy Birthday”
3. “Where am I”?
4. “Merry Christmas”

What toy caused all the chaos in “Jingle all the way”?
1. Turbo Man
2. Hero Helmet
3. Blast Bopper
4. Johnny Robot

Which of these action films take place during the holiday season?
1. Die Hard
2. Speed
3. Men In Black
4. The Terminator

What color is the lone ornament on Charlie Browns Christmas Tree?
1. Pink
2. Purple
3. Green
4. Red

What “Saturday Night Live” alum created the movie “Eight Crazy Nights”?
1. Mike Myers
2. Will Ferrell
3. Adam Sandler
4. Phil Hartman

Who starred with Matthew Broderick in 2006 “Deck the Halls”?
1. Danny Devito
2. Martin Short
3. Bob Hoskins
4. Bruno Kelly

In what film does the real Kris Kringle take a job as a Macy’s Santa Clause?
1. “It’s a Wonderful Life”
2. “Holiday Inn”
3. “Miracle on 34th St.”

In a Christmas Story what body part is Ralphie repeatedly told he will injure with the BB gun that he wants for Christmas?
1. Foot
2. Eye
3. Leg
4. Arm

What wingless angle assisted George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life”
1. Vincent
2. Albert
3. Sam
4. Clarence

In “National Lampoons Christmas Vacations” Clark’s boss gives him a subscription to a monthly club featuring what product?
1. Jelly
2. Fruitcake
3. Ketchup
4. Cheesecake


Meredith said...

Hey Jane
you have been tagged